Spotkanie z prof. Lluis Mundet i Cerdan (Uniwersytet Girona z Hiszpanii)


W tym tygodniu gościmy w Katerze  prof. Lluis Mundet i Cerdan, dziekana Wydziału Turystyki Uniwersytetu Girona w Hiszpanii.


Zapraszamy na spotkanie z naszym Gościem przede wszystkim (choć nie wyłącznie) studentów zarządzania w turystyce:

  • Środa / Wednesday 22nd April 2015, 13:15 - 14:30 New Tourism Regeneration Strategies in Mature Tourist Resorts. The Costa Brava as an Example of Sustainability (sala 1.111)
  • Czwartek / Thursday 23rd April 2015, 13:15 – 14:30 h. Tourism in Cuba: a curse or a blessing? Travel to unknown dimension…

Wykłady będą miały przystępną formę przy zachowaniu wysokiego poziomu merytorycznego.


Profesor Lluis Mundet i Cerdan holds a Degree in Philosophy and Arts (Geography and History) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, having spent the fifth year of his course at the University of Durham (UK) through an ERASMUS grant. He completed a Master's Degree in Leisure and Tourism Studies at the University of Ghent (Flanders). He also holds a Doctorate in Geography from the University of Girona. He is a lecturer at the University and is a member of the Multi-Disciplinary Laboratory of Tourism Research. He has taught at the University of Havana, the National University of Costa Rica, the University of Matej Bel (Slovakia) and the Methodist University of Piracicaba (Brazil). Furthermore, over the last few years he has directed a variety of interuniversity cooperation projects (ICPs) of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) with the University of Havana, the National University of Costa Rica, the Methodist University of Piracicaba, the Federal University of Alagoas, the Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" University (UNESP) and the Federal University of Para, Brazil, concerning rural tourism, ecotourism, tourism and archaeology, and tourism as an element for sustainable economic invigoration. Since academic year 1998 he has taught at the Faculty of Tourism and since academic year 2002 he has collaborated in the centre's postgraduate studies. He has published in the main academic journals on tourism: Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Sustanaible Tourism, Estudios Turísticos, Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, Papers de Turisme, etc.

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Published Date: 20.04.2015
Published by: Karolina Nessel